11 Mar 2019

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This year, the Adelaide Fringe has brought along a whole new spiel of female-focused and empowering performances - with Baby Got Back being one of the highlights for this broadening genre. 

Featuring a cast comprised of dancers, strippers, showgirls, puppeteers, comedians, and burlesque performers, Baby Got Back perfectly blends Cabaret with political performance to showcase the beauty and societal inequality of the female form. 

A strong message that was immediately woven into the storytelling of the performance were those on stage wearing giant kitten heads and tags that read ‘dyke’, ‘whore’, ‘slut’ and ‘bitch’, as well as the donations towards 'money' that they encouraged the audience to tip them during the show which donated the current gendered wage gap.

A more salacious performance that is what's normally expected from the Fringe, it's one to see to be believed. Messaging that they touch on during the show includes self-image, gendered violence, and inequality amongst preaching the beauty of what it's like to be a 'size queen' and what that means to them.

For the perfectly baked recipe of feminism, political messaging, fun, talent and sheer performance art - we have no choice but to give Baby Got Back...

5 out of 5 stars

Category: Cabaret / Burlesque

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