Alex Williamson: Sin On My Face - ADELAIDE FRINGE REVIEW

17 Mar 2019

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He’s loud, crude and opinionated. He’s the Australian comedian that you either love or hate; there’s really no in between.

Alex Williamson is known to many as the “Loosest Aussie Bloke” around. The Adelaide born comedian is managed by Frontier Comedy now but started his career on YouTube and Facebook. While coming from more humble beginnings, his popularity has now grown to over 2.5 million social media followers, across a number of platforms.

Many describe Williamson as laidback, punchy and charismatic. However, I knew going into his latest show that I would need to mentally prepare myself for a series of unfiltered, blunt and even grotesque jokes.

The sold-out Fringe show started when the comedian stumbled onto the stage with a glass of red in his hand. He just giggled to himself, while the crowd roared with applause and laughed along with him.

His storytelling revolves around dark and extreme humour, paired with any topic, no matter how provocative or controversial. Nothing is off limits.

He’s outrageously inappropriate, yet still manages to turn dark subject matter into comedic gold. However, his shows are not for the faint-hearted, so if you’re easily offended, then I strongly urge you to walk the other way.

3.5 out of 5 stars

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