G-NAT!ON is here! Premiering their hit single 'Girls Night Out’

3 Dec 2019

Adelaide has a new sound; one that's been making waves nationally with their recent appearance at the ARIA Awards in Sydney. 

G-NAT!ON is here! And these girls are ready to add some spice (girls) to the (little) mix of the music industry in Australia.

Releasing their first-ever single, ‘Girls Night Out’, G-NAT!ON artists Taylah Silvestri, Alessia Musolino, Isla Ward, Emma Caporaso, Mateja Sardelis, and Rylee Vormelker, the track is about the importance of just having fun with our girlfriends. 

"Girls are constantly facing societal pressures, but we want everyone to know that boys don’t have to be one of them,” says G-NAT!ON performer, Emma.

The ‘Girls Night Out’ music video captures the raw talent that these six pop artists possess. With a combination of unique, powerful vocals and dance moves that would make J-LO smile, this girl band is ready to climb the charts. 

“We want to show every girl out there that dreams do come true! Girls are capable of achieving anything, so its time to stand together and support our sisters” says G-NAT!ON singer, Taylah.

For your chance to see G-NAT!ON live in action, make sure to attend this year's Carols By
Candlelight on Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at Elderpark. 

Check them out on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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