Scientology The Musical FRINGE REVIEW

21 Feb 2018

I had really big expectations coming into this show. Many wouldn't know this about me, but I am obsessed with cults! In a totally normal and not weird way, I love the absurdity on how they were formed, the poor people that are coaxed in, and the god complexes of those 'in charge', is a fascinating example of humanity.

And with these high expectations set, I can say with absolute certainty that I LOVED Scientology The Musical

The jokes were perfect, from SP's to the SeaOrg, it was a musical mayhem of members horny for LRH and an intellectual deconstruction of modern religion in general. 

If you don't know much about Scientology, you probably won't get all the jokes (hence why my sister and I were laughing at all the obscure ones), but if you're searching for a satirical and cynical peep into the tax-exempt, organised cult, this one's for you.

A great job by George Glass Productions, go follow their musical madness here.


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